AI Innovators Gazette 🤖🚀

AI-Powered HappyWhale: The Game-Changer in Marine Conservation Efforts

Published on: March 10, 2024

Ted Cheeseman, a renowned whale conservationist, acknowledges the challenge in photographing whales, a task made easier by HappyWhale's new AI technology. Despite whales being elusive subjects, HappyWhale's AI system offers a unique solution to identify these majestic creatures.

With an estimated 13 million people participating in whale watching annually, HappyWhale's AI software is a game-changer. It allows users to upload their whale photos, which the AI then analyzes against a database of over 70,000 whales, providing detailed information about each sighted whale.

The AI's capability extends beyond basic recognition; it can identify whales based on unique tail shapes, colors, or markings, even when the tail is in motion. This high level of accuracy in identifying individual whales enhances the whale-watching experience.

HappyWhale's WhaleID system is not only a tool for the public but also serves as a valuable resource for whale watching operators and cruise ships, who are offered a subscription model. This system adds educational value and enriches the storytelling aspect of whale watching tours.

Beyond enhancing whale watching experiences, HappyWhale plays a crucial role in whale conservation. The data gathered from user-uploaded photos aids in tracking whale populations and movements, contributing significantly to global whale conservation efforts.

In a parallel conservation effort, the Merlin Bird ID app developed by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology utilizes similar AI technology for bird identification. Users can upload photos or recordings of birds, which the AI matches against a comprehensive database.

The use of AI in conservation, as demonstrated by HappyWhale and Merlin Bird ID, signifies a new era in wildlife observation and protection. These technologies not only provide a richer understanding of wildlife but also amass critical data for conservation research.

HappyWhale's contribution to whale conservation was instrumental in influencing policy changes, such as reducing ship speeds to prevent whale strikes. This showcases the profound impact of AI-assisted citizen science in environmental protection efforts.

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Citation: Smith-Manley, N.. & GPT 4.0, (March 10, 2024). AI-Powered HappyWhale: The Game-Changer in Marine Conservation Efforts - AI Innovators Gazette.