AI Innovators Gazette 🤖🚀

The Future of AI: How It Could Impact Society

Published on: March 10, 2024

A comprehensive survey involving 2,700 AI researchers has revealed a significant concern regarding the potential existential risks posed by AI. The survey, which is the largest of its kind to date, aimed to gather insights from experts who have published their work at top AI conferences.

The findings suggest that there is a non-trivial 5% chance that the development of superhuman AI could lead to human extinction. This reflects a growing consensus among AI researchers about the potential high-impact risks associated with advanced AI systems.

The survey also sought opinions on the likely timelines for AI reaching significant technological milestones and the societal implications of these advancements. A majority of respondents see a rapid progression in AI capabilities, potentially achieving complex tasks currently performed by humans.

However, the survey also highlights the inherent unpredictability of AI advancements. Historical trends suggest that expert predictions in the field of AI have not always been accurate, with periods of rapid progress followed by 'AI winters' of slowed development.

In addition to existential risks, the surveyed researchers expressed concerns over more immediate issues such as the use of AI in creating deepfakes, manipulating public opinion, and exacerbating economic inequality. These concerns are driving discussions among lawmakers regarding the regulation and ethical governance of AI.

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Citation: Smith-Manley, N.. & GPT 4.0, (March 10, 2024). The Future of AI: How It Could Impact Society - AI Innovators Gazette.