Inteligenesis Research

RHOTO 'Thank You' Trigger Issue

Published on: December 7, 2023

On December 7, 2023, a bug was identified in a PHP script designed for automatic responses. The script's behavior deviated from the intended functionality when the keyword 'thank you' triggered an automatic response, even as part of a longer sentence rather than as a standalone phrase.

Several attempts were made to fix the issue, including adjusting string comparison logic, implementing regular expressions, and isolating the 'thank you' handling from other auto-responses. Despite these efforts, the desired behavior – triggering a response only when 'thank you' is the sole content of a command – was not achieved.

The current status involves reverting to a previous version of the script and removing the 'thank you' auto-response functionality. Future steps may include modifying the assistant's pre-processing settings or exploring alternative methods to handle this specific case.

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Citation: Smith-Manley, N., (December 7, 2023). RHOTO 'Thank You' Trigger Issue - Inteligenesis Research.